Mljet National Park is the target of many visitors. Due to its developed coast, beautiful bays and harbors, islets and rocks, it is visited by a large number of yachtmen. On this page you can find all important information for sailors in Mljet National Park.
The area of Mljet National Park comprises the western part of Mljet island, two salty lakes: Veliko and Malo jezero and Soline bay, as well as a sea area 500 m radius from the most prominent points of Mljet island and adjacent islets, covering a total area of 53.75 km2. The area of National Park is managed by the Public Institution Mljet National Park.
The sea area of Mljet National Park is divided into zones:
Zone of strict protection I includes areas of great natural value and it is divided into two subzones:
Ia – zone of very strict protection (islands Galicija, Crna Seka Donja, Borovac and Ovrata, and eastern part of Kobrava island, special reserve of forest vegetation Velika Dolina with surrounding area, and hillsides on the southern side of Mljet National Park from Ponta od Kamenice to Debela Glava od Lenge).
Ib – zone of strict protection (major part of the Park and offshore sites: Vranji škoj, Zakamenica, Štit, western part of Glavat island, Zaobraslo Prijeslo – Veliki Maslinovac and Mali Maslinovac, Ovrata)
Zone of targeted protection II is divided into three subzones:
IIa – all agricultural areas and Glavat island
IIb – Malo jezero and Veliko jezero and Soline Channel up to Vratosolina exit
IIc – major part of the sea area
Zone of use II is divided into two subzones:
IIIa – all places and areas where any buildings exist
IIIb – zone of designated anchorage or berth (Lokva bay, Polače bay, off the southern coast of Pomeštak islet, from Mali Kusarski Rat to Lenga, east of Tajnik islet, Tatinica bay).
In the area of Mljet National Park, within 150 m from the coast maximum allowed speed shall not exceed 5 knots. Movement of visitors’ vessels in the waters of National Park is allowed with the permission of the Public Institution Mljet National Park. Users of owners of vessels without appropriate permission, finding themselves in the waters of National Park, must leave these waters or obtain the permission for navigation. Permission for navigation includes the payment of fee and obtaining the entrance ticket for vessels allowing them to move in the waters of National Park. Amount of the fee depends on the size of vessel and number of days of its intended stay in the waters of National Park. To prevent unauthorized navigation in the waters of National Park, visible marks are provided. Transport of hotel guests and visitors in Veliko jezero (Great lake) is carried out by vessels of the Public Institution and may be also carried out by vessels of other legal or natural persons authorized by Mljet National Park. Only rowing boats are allowed to enter Malo jezero (Small lake) and Soline channel, navigation and berthing are allowed for vessels of inhabitants or property owners at Goveđari, Babine Kuće, Njivice, Velika Loza, Pristanište and Soline, as well as for vessels of the Public Institution Mljet National Park. In Soline channel and Veliko jezero (Great lake) the speed of vessels is limited to 5 knots for all vessels authorized to navigate in Soline channel and Veliko jezero, including vessels of the Public Institution.
Berthing and anchoring
In zone IIc anchoring is not permited.
In the area of Pomena harbour, besides berthing to the quay and shore, it is allowed to anchor in Lokva bay and through Kulijer and Konštar and towards the westernmost point of Pomeštak islet (avoiding Galicija islet) up to the passage enclosed by Pomeštak and Sikjerica.
In the area of Polače harbour, besides berthing to the quay and shore, it is allowed to anchor throught Luka Polače bay from Lunđina (Rogač bay) to Rt Lenga and in the sea area bordered by Mljet island in the south and by points Rt Lenga, Rt Glavica (Moračnik), Rt Vrh Tajnika (Tajnik), Rt Velika Ruta (Kobrava) and Rt Vrhkobrave, up to southern point of Kobrava islet facing Tatinica.
Berthing and anchoring, among others, are prohibited at the following sites:
- In the northern part of Mljet National Park: Križice bay, Zaklopita bay, Bijela bay, Zaobraslo Prijeslo bay, area south of Maslinovac islet (Stupa bay)
- In the western park of Mljet National Park: Liskanje bay, Borovac bay, area between the islests of Pomeštak, Glavat and Borovac and the coast of Mljet island, Srednja bay, Međuporat bay, Lastovska bay
- In the southern part of Mljet National Park: Male and Velike Blace bay, Gonoturska bay, and Vratosolina passage at the entrance to Soline channel, area around the islets of Utrnji and Vanji škoj and Grabova bay.
In the area of Mljet National Park it is prohibited to carry out any activity that may cause alterations or damage to the protected part of the nature, as well as actions changing the natural appearance and impairing the landscape values of National Park.
Fishing is prohibited in the area of Mljet National Park.
Exceptionally, in the area of National Park inhabitants and visitors of the Park are allowed to conduct recreational fishing under prescribed conditions.
In zone Ib and IIb fishing is completely prohibited. in zone IIc recreational fishing is allowed.
Recreational fishing is not allowed in Malo and Veliko jezero and in Soline channel.
For recreational fishing in Mljet National Park it is necessary to obtain the licence issued by the Public Institution. A fee is charged for obtaining the licence. The licence is issued for on, three or seven days or one month. Special annual licences are also issued. Recreational fishing can be conducted from shore or vessel between sunrise and sunset. Recreational fishing is not allowed by night. Fish and other catch caught in recreational fishing must not be placed on the market. It is prohibited to catch, collect and harvest shellfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and other marine organisms in the area of Mljet National Park.
In the area of Mljet National Park swimming is allowed, except in the places where it is specifically prohibited. Places where swimming is prohibited must be marked clearly. In Veliko and Malo Jezero (Great and Small lake) underwater activities (diving) are not allowed.
In Veliko jezero, particularly in Pomena and Polače harbours and other arranged berths as well as in any other part of National Park it is prohibited to discharge waste water and residual oils into the sea, or drain marine sanitation devises into the sea. For smaller vessels without wastewater tanks, while at berth or anchorage it is prohibited to use toilets and drain wastewater from sink. Vessels found to discharge wastewater and residual oils, besides being subject of the required procedure and penalty charge, will be ordered to leave the waters of Mljet National Park. It is prohibited to dump garbage and waste into the sea or to dispose of them onshore in places not specifically designated for that purpose.
It is forbidden to throw, dump or release oily water, feces and plastic, metal, glass and other solid or liquid waste that pollutes the environment into the sea and on the seashore. It is forbidden to damage, destroy, remove and alienate parts of archaeological sites and historical ruins. Special regulations relating to order and behavior apply to protected marine areas.
The use of underwater ambient lighting is prohibited.
Correct Anchoring Procedures
- Avoid Neptune grass meadows when anchoring. With the wind at your bow, stop the boat above the bottom of lighter colored (sandy) sea bed and then pitch the anchor.
- Slowly roll out an anchoring chain or rope, which must be at least 3 times longer than the anchoring depth (4-6 times longer for anchoring depths up to 20 m).
- Reverse slowly backwards to tighten the chain/ rope and make sure the anchor is holding.
- Keep in mind what the radius of the boat around the anchorage point will be under the influence of wind and sea currents.
- When you leave, head over to the place where you dropped anchor and simply lift it up.
It is important to know:
Inadequate anchoring, dumping waste water, throwing garbage, being noisy, speed boating and various other activities will significantly harm the natural environment.
Each of us should take responsibility for our actions in order to stop the causes of irreparable damage.
Make use of good anchoring techniques and materials that reduce its negative impacts.
Equip your boat with a waste water system.
Dump all waste from the boat into proper containers, not in the sea.
The permissible cruising speed for vessels is up to 5 knots (9km / h).
If you find any caulerpa seaweed (Caulerpa cylindracea) on the anchor or chain, please throw it into a trash bin, not into the sea.
Anchoring is permitted in the ports of Polače and Pomena.
The use of underwater ambient lighting is prohibited.
Vessels at Mljet National Park are obliged to have an entrance ticket for the vessel.
A vessel ticket is your contribution to nature conservation!
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