Mljet National Park, Croatia’s oldest marine protected area celebrates 58th birthday.
Ever since it was declared National Park in 1960, this part of the island of Mljet attracts many visitors which are eager to spend their time in nature and clean environment. This year will be marked as the record year when it comes to number of visitors in the Park. Also, first electric catamaran arrived to the Great Lake and the contract for project Mljet – Odise(j)a Mediterranea has been signed. This means Mljet National Park will get more than 36 million kunas to invest in visitors infrastructure.
Celebration of the birthday started already in October with photo exhibition of Iznik ceramics, Open days and will continue with more interesting exhibitions such as presentation of cultural heritage of Mljet island and presentation of habitat for the coral reel in Pula. This way Mljet National Park also marks the International year of cultural heritage and for coral reefs.