On Wednesday, September 25th, 2024, associate professor Ph.D. Petar Kružić held a lecture entitled “The impact of climate change and invasive species on the biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea” at Zabrežje Cultural Center in Babino Polje.

At the lecture, it was pointed out that climate change is having an increasingly negative effect on the biodiversity of the oceans and seas around the world, including the Adriatic Sea, which is one of the colder parts of the Mediterranean. Due to the warming or process of “tropicalization” that the Mediterranean Sea is going through, we are recording more and more new species that prefer warmer seas.

The Adriatic Sea is particularly affected by warming and the appearance of invasive species, and it is expected that these effects will become even more pronounced in the future. During the lecture, the local population and representatives of fishermen discussed the observed changes and possible joint solutions.